‘Power of Notes’ and FREE ‘social media strategy’ certification from HubSpot Academy

I recently earned my ‘Social Media Strategy’ certificate from HubSpot Academy. The course is quite engaging and helps you to learn through videos, quizzes, case studies and expert insights. It is a FREE course and covers topics like content strategy, social monitoring, social engagement, Social ROI among others.



However, when it comes to learning, I am a little old school. I love to take notes to recollect information as well as pick important points of a topic or course. Same happened with the above-mentioned course wherein I noted down the points and data that looked interesting. Voila! using the ‘Power of Notes’, I was able to conquer the exam confidently and quickly.

Even in professional life, I personally believe in the ‘Power of Notes’. Whether it is a client meeting, agency brief, brainstorming session or copy ideation, I believe more in my notes than minutes of meeting and emails. I know that I have to present my content, copy or strategy in digital formats, but that initial personalization of thoughts on notepad/diary gives me a different kind of confidence and adrenaline rush.

“Khud se likhe gaye notes ki taqat hi kuch aur hoti hai … PPTs, Google Doc aur Drive links ki tarah yeh sab logon mein nahi bat te … sirf mera haq hai ispe….sirf mera.”

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