One Tree, Many Generations | GEMS Education

IMG_20160831_000153LG Electronics India recently celebrated its 20th anniversary by rolling out a massive plantation drive across the country. In Gurugram, the brand  planted trees in association with GEMS Modern Academy school. The unique initiative was launched in 42 cities wherein 20,000+ trees were planted in collaboration with various NGO’S, organisations, government associations, schools and colleges.

On this ocassion, Mrs. Punam Singhal, Principal, GEMS GEMS Education LogoModern Academy, Gurugram said, “The school is committed towards making Gurugram a greener city. For this, we have made many endeavours like putting tree guards, distributing Tulsi plants and planting trees across the city.”

Commenting on thiLG_logo_(2015).svgs initiative, Ashutosh pant – Regional Business head-Haryana & Rajasthan, said. “LG has been working closely on the vision of energy conservation and has been taking proactive steps for the same. This tree-plantation drive is an initiative towards keeping the environment clean and green for next generations.”
