My review of reviews by some film critics (and media) who reviewed Sanju.

1. I think Sanjay Dutt should do a press conference and apologize to the media for not being a perfect person and also for existing in this world.
2. He should also file a case against Supreme Court/Bombay Court judges and question their sense and sensibilities that why didn’t they send him for ‘Kaala Paani’ when media and film critics wanted it so badly.
3. He should also call his father using Mahabharat WiFi (as told by BJP minister) and ask that why he acted like a father and tried to save him. No father should do that. Fathers should not help when their sons and daughters are in problem.
4. Sanjay Dutt should also have a one – to – one session with some film critics and say sorry individually. He should also collect scripts from them that perfectly portray his biography.
5. A case should be filed against Raju Hirani as he didn’t satisfy some pseudo-intellects and film critics. When we already knew everything about Sanjay Dutt’s life – his mistakes, drug addiction, affairs, jail term, court decision, then how could Hirani commit this crime of making a normal entertaining movie. It should have been dark and gritty so that we could send it for Oscars. We love ‘Darkest Hour’ though. What a film it was.
5. Sanjay Dutt went to jail, had troubled life but Hirani made this movie humorous. This is not acceptable in a country like India where rape convicts get bail within hours. This movie might erase his history, delete all facts, burn case files, and make him a saint now. Damn! he might win election and become PM. Like current one has an IT cell, he will have a Hirani Cell.
6. Hirani has no rights of freedom of creativity to make a film the way he wants. He should apologize to all the people who watched the movie and clean his image by burning 100000 kg mango wood. He should have sent the script to film critics and get it approved. He deserves life imprisonment, if we consider all these facts.
7.This movie will affect people for so long. Because they don’t have anything important to do or think other than Sanju. Like when they will go to bed, they would think why Hirani showed Sanjay Dutt in good light. He should have killed him or proved him a terrorist in climax, so that we could sleep in peace while ignoring things like rape, lynching, and unemployment.
8. Each individual who watched Sanju should write a review (at least 700 words) and sign a petition saying that from now on, I will watch all movies with critics and media’s perspective. I won’t watch a movie for entertainment, escapism or anything.
9. Ranbir Kapoor should be banned from acting for doing such a fantastic job. How could he play a person who admitted that he was wrong, went to jail, and now he is trying to get back to life.
PS – They are lying that movie is doing good, earning money and appreciation. People are totally hating it. The box office success you are hearing about is a scam.
Loved the sarcasm! 🙂
Thanks 😀