Top disruptive trends in 2021

The world will enter in 2021 with high hopes and higher expectations for life, career, business and health. In this spirit, let’s take a look at the list of ‘top disruptive trends in 2021’. While some of them already exist, most of them will  evolve as their impact will be amplified in the post pandemic era(let’s hope so).

Marketing: Brands will approve more mediocre content to save costs and then pay big amount to buy top awards.

Advertising: Agencies will add more complex words to their offerings, only to charge clients more money.

E-commerce: Companies will cover more pin codes across the country while ditching the code of conduct along the way.

IT/SaaS: There will be a flood of difficult-to-understand ‘first’ platforms i.e. Pandemic-first, Flirting-first, Aatmnirbhar-first.

Corporates: They will contribute more to a motivational speaker’s wealth while their employees will become poor day by day.

HR: There will be a huge gap between what they need and what top management wants.

PR & CorpComm: Agencies will push their employees to become a journalist or influencer while the CorpComm person will keep them engaged with a birthday mailer.

FMCG: Companies will hire the costliest brand ambassadors to sell unhealthy products and habits.

BFSI: Banks will gift big loans to corporations while a farmer may commit suicide for a thousand rupee debt. Insurance companies will keep reminding you about Coronavirus.

Writing and Editing: Frankly, my dear! Nobody gives a damn about you. 😃


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