Is your website boredom-proof?


“When you pay attention to boredom, it gets unbelievably interesting.” Now, this is an interesting theory. But this is not the case with your website. If your website is not boredom- proof, your audience is going to break up with you soon. Today, a good online image is everything and a website is your new business card. Do you want your card to be dull and boring? No, you want it to be catchy, interesting, and innovative. Your website shall be able to mirror your vision wherein your visitors can see the reflection of your spirit.

An engaging web presence is the first step to conquer the world of online brand building. It is also the most cost effective way to present your game to your audience. It demands no rocket science; all you need is a mix of simple tactics to master the ‘Game of Websites’.

Here are few things that can make your website boredom proof:

Outlook of website:  When a café does not appeal to you, you will skip its coffee. The main page of your website creates the first impression on your audience. The font used in your titles, tag lines, headings, and intro content –all elements together give an eye-pleasing experience to the visitors. Be serious about your business but do not be too serious about your website. Make it fun, appealing, and informative; keeping in mind the needs of your visitors. Choose the layout for your website precisely and apply the same in your content, design, and its adaptability with smartphones and computers.

Up-to-date content: Do you know, what is the most boring WhatsApp status ever? One that says – Hey there! I am using WhatsApp. It does not tell anything besides that a person’s existence. Same way, if your website does not have a fresh and updated content, it drifts away your target audience. A real time content mixed with industry-specific SEO keywords can attract lots of traffic to your website. Keeping your audio, video, and text content updated can help the audience to understand the information better and take action.

Content and design sync: Can you imagine Jai without Veeru? Together they create magic and add lots of fun. Same way, a strong connection between the design and content paves the way for a perfect website. There should be a proper syncing between the layout and the content of the website. If your content and design do not get along well, it will confuse the audiences and they will move to the next tab on their browser. Therefore, easy to locate visual and written communication can add spark to your website.

Language and errors: How do influential people create the large fan following and keep increasing their fan base? They do it by using an effective language. The language on your website should be relevant according to your audience’s need and curiosity. If the language is off the track and does not engage; it will create distrust among your audience. Also, errors must be avoided as grammatical mistakes are a huge turn-off for anyone. Before publishing the content, give it a second look and keep proofreading and editing until your keyboard is on fire.

Detailing: A suit with finest details and polished stitching can turn all heads in your way. It adds class to your style, offering a treat to the eyes of your on-lookers. Same way, the tiniest details on your website matter a lot for the overall styling of your website. Do not forget or ignore small things – whether it is the font of your content or the corner line of the alignment, nothing should be left out. Detailing should be distinctive and perfect as a good looking website speaks a lot about your business and brand.

So dear patrons, write a content that motivates action and create a design that influences behavior. Make you website interesting and let your brand do the talking, dancing, and romancing (may be).
