A love story: She tricked me again….and again

When I saw her for the first time, I was spellbound by her beauty. I could not believe my eyes. While all this happened from a distance, I felt a strong connection with her.

However, I finally gained the courage and talked to her. That moment, that feeling was pure and authentic. I bared my soul in front of her. Whatever was happening was totally unbelievable. And as we were about to fall in love, destiny played its own game and set us apart.

I moved on, I had to. Life is a journey, not a destination. But I missed her a lot for – days, weeks, and months. It was hard to believe that things didn’t work out between us. I decided to live with the fact that I might not see her again.

But they say that your destiny follows you and I did not believe it at all until one day, when I saw her again. She looked ravishing and I got mesmerized again with her – same job description, same email id and same intention to take my heart (or let’s say data).

She did not change a bit in the last 8 months. And I realized that she was always there- in my ‘Jobs” section. And all she cared about her data collection, website traffic, and HR’s salary.

Dear job on LinkedIn,
Why don’t you just move on? Why?

I just want to warn you that you can trick a job seeker but you should never hurt a true lover. 😛

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